Random Acts of Rudeness
I have to wonder why anyone would take the time to point out the obvious. That I was late to class, ten minutes late. In the way he did it too was pretty petty. To think, this person spent a few years on the outside and realized he or she was a terrible attorney and wanted out by taking a job teaching students how to "click here" on a website.
That was my rant for the day. Now, I actually feel sorry for the person. His life isn't a walk in the park. He or she would probably would much rather take a walk outside or go on vacation than sit around discussing which button to click. Hell, he or she might be a bit upset about what a crappy weekend they had and me being late to their insignificant little summer course may have been the icing on the cake. He just had to let it out somehow and why not stick it to the kid who shows up a few minutes late each day.
Tag, you're it.
P. Manolos
I need to work on NOT being late as well. But man...that was rude of him. Hmmm...
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