Why I Blog

Every time I search the internet and find a crappy website, I like to pat myself on the back for writing such a damn good blog. Yup, that was as cocky as it sounds.

I write because I have something to say. Last year, I wrote because there were so many things I should have said. So many things have changed since last year and have changed for good. I'm in a relationship with a loving, sweet man and I have the best dog companion ever.

That being said, I love to share my thoughts with you as I grow into the person I'm meant to be for the rest of my adult life. I'm almost done with law school and I'm beginning my 3rd and final year in less than three months. My family and friends have been absolute angels throughout this whole process and I can't help but wonder if I would have made it thus far without them.

Remember, things in life happen for you not to you.

It's raining cats and Zimbas,

P. Manolos


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