Birthday Blues

My birthday falls on a Monday this year. FML.

Birthdays have always been a mixed bag for me. In all honesty, I don't want gifts. I'm more interested in seeing my friends and spending time with them. Let's go out to dinner, have a couple of drinks and just relax. There will be cake with a lot of candles.

This year isn't an exception. I wanted to celebrate this weekend, but I"m finding that my friends won't be available. It's graduation this weekend, so a lot of people will be out and about.

I'll be honest, I'm pretty broken up at the thought of spending this weekend alone trying to amuse myself. I just feel like I put so much of myself out there for my friends that when it comes down to the one day out of the year that I just want someone to stop by and say Happy Birthday, it seems like no one cares. I found myself tearing up at the fact that I'd do anything for so many people, but when it comes down to that one day, I can't seem to find anyone who is available.

I'm trying to be a big girl about the whole thing. I'm no longer in elementary school looking to blow out the candles on a cake. I'm also trying to plan a fun weekend for myself, just myself. Thus far I'm thinking about going to the spa, then to dinner, and then to the movies. I think Zimba and I will go for a long jog on Saturday and then spend some time watching all of my dvr'd shows.

Big girls aren't supposed to cry... but can they get a pass for their birthday?

P. Manolos


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