
I'm in my carrel. Working on my oral argument for Appellate Advocacy tonight. I just want to wing this thing, I have no interest in preparing whatsoever. It's just one of those days I guess where you lack motivation and you just want to crawl back into bed and go back to sleep. Late to class, bored in class, and released early from my last class of the day.

Life is going well. My sister sent me her itinerary for her return from CA to OH for Thanksgiving. I can't say that I'm happy to see her. We haven't talked in a year and I want it to stay that way. We don't see eye to eye on anything and she feels the need to constantly criticize me. I'm already under a ton of pressure at school and with the rest of my family, I don't need another voice telling me I can't do it.

Just a week ago, a professor and I sat down to talk about my paper subject only for him to randomly mention that I, Elizabeth Michelle Williamson " will never be a Supreme Court Justice, or even a good attorney, but perhaps you [me] could find a career in public service." I was in such shock that I didn't even object to his assertion that I was somehow too mentally deficient to become a lawyer.

Law school is an echo chamber of negativity. I can sometimes use it as fuel, but there are other days where I just end up running on empty. What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right? But how much of "it" does it take to overcome our strength to leave us weak and shattered?

I hope I don't find out.

Boxed in,

P. Manolos


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